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The Bible can sometimes be chaotic or incomprehensible to read and it might feel like it does not make any sense. With these Tools To Study The Bible, you will confidently discern the word of God. This study guide can help to clear up and destroy many bad theologies stacked up due to years of wrong beliefs.
Basically, I compressed a large topic called Biblical Hermeneutics into a 70 page eBook for you to easily refer during your Bible study. These tools are universal, accepted by most Biblical scholars and transcend denominations.
In a world, with their own interpretation of the Bible, I noticed grace-based Christians had a uniform understanding of the bible regardless of the location, denomination, race and a total physical disconnect from each other.
They had the same spirit, so I set out to discover what these Christians did that had such uniformity in theology without any central human authority. The result is this Free Bible Study Guide.
The Only Reason to use these Tools to Study The Bible
Sign of a Mature Christian is when the person sees Jesus and his finished works on the cross in the pages of the Bible. When he/she reads the Bible she does NOT see what he/she should do or should not do, but sees Jesus in every event, commands, rituals and stories of the old testament.
A good pastor or a preacher expounds and shows Jesus from the pages of the Bible. Concentrates on His Righteousness instead of showing people their sin or making people feel dirty about their sin.
Then Rebekah lifted her eyes, and when she saw Isaac she dismounted from her camel; for she had said to the servant, “Who is this man walking in the field to meet us?” The servant said, “It is my master.”
~ Genesis 24:64-65
A sign of a mature church is when it always craves to know more about Jesus
The bride (the church) always asks the servant (Holy Spirit) to tell her more about Jesus (the Bridegroom). The father God points everyone to Jesus and the Holy Spirit point everyone to Jesus.
A baby Christian always goes behind things like morality or what we should do or on what we shouldn’t do. A baby Church always goes behind philosophy, rules, tradition, reader’s digest stories.
God the Father points everything towards Jesus and the Holy Spirits points you towards Jesus. The only purpose of these 14 tools is to see more of Jesus and his finished works on the cross in the pages of the bible.
14 Simple Tools to Study The Bible

1) Visualization
2) Omit Italics
3) Hebrew and Greek
4) Hebraism
5) Rightly Dividing The Word
6) Law Vs Grace
7) Dispensations
8) Biblical Names
9) Biblical Mathematics
10) Law of First Mention
11) The Bible Interpreting Itself
12) Typology
13) The Answer is at The Gates
14) Seeing Jesus in Every Pages
The Purpose of these Tools to Study The Bible
Why did Jonah try to escape preaching to the people of Nineveh?
He prayed to the LORD, “Isn’t this what I said, LORD, when I was still at home? That is what I tried to forestall by fleeing to Tarshish. I knew that you are a gracious and compassionate God, slow to anger and abounding in love, a God who relents from sending calamity.
~ Jonah 4:2
But Jonah prayed this when the people of Nineveh repented immediately. Jonah knew our God is a good God, he knew God would not destroy Nineveh because he is a compassionate God, slow to anger.
Jonah had better theology than most Christian preachers today
Most Christian preachers today portray our good God as an angry school principal ready to punish at any time.
Preachers who show an angry God end up never talking about what happened on the cross and Christ’s finished works. This is WHY people are turned off by the things of God and the Bible. These preachers are actually doing the opposite of the will of our God.
And this is the will of him who sent me, that I shall lose none of all those he has given me, but raise them up at the last day.
~ John 6:39
Preachers who show such an angry God must REPENT (Greek:μετάνοια, Metanoia, meaning Change of mind). Lest they fall short of the will of the father.
The purpose of this Bible Study Guide is to give you the confidence not to fall into the trap of another Gospel preached by the angry preachers of the world.
Jesus Hidden in the Bible
Jesus did the same, in the Emmaus road to those two people. He hid their eyes from seeing who he really was and showed them about himself from the pages of the Bible.
And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself.
~ Luke 24:27
This tells me one crucial thing. It pleases him that we see him in the pages of the Bible than see him physically.
It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter.
~ Proverbs 25:2
God loves to hide truths about Jesus in the Bible. And it’s our honor to search it out.
I desire nothing else but for you, the reader sees the beauty and perfection of our Lord Jesus because using these Tools To Study The Bible.
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