Today, the concept of Christian wealth is taboo in the Church. A very popular and favourite theology among preachers and theologians is that “God wants people to be poor and God wants us to serve by being a poor churchmouse”.
A theology created by a European religion in the middle ages to control people and accumulate riches for themselves.
Sometimes they don’t say this in so many words but they emphasize on “Prosperity gospel” being bad in essence they end up singing the same tune “God called us to be as poor as a churchmouse“.
But let’s keep our experiences, theology and prejudices aside and see what the Bible says about wealth
houses full of all good things, which you did not fill, hewn-out wells which you did not dig, vineyards and olive trees which you did not plant— when you have eaten and are full
~ Deuteronomy 6:11
If God was so abundant in the old covenant. How much more now that Christ has died on the cross and risen?
Is Christian Wealth Biblical? Verses about richness or money in the bible
For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich.
~ II Corinthians 8:9
Is this verse talking about spiritual richness? Read again, Jesus was never spiritually poor. He literally became poor on the cross, he didn’t even have clothes on him while he hung on the cross. So, this theology of “spiritual richness” does not make any sense.
Does this mean that I am preaching the prosperity gospel? Certainly not, the gospel is about Christ and his finished works on the cross, Period. The Gospel produces prosperity, it’s a side effect. We can’t control it. It just happens, remember “houses, wells, vineyard which you DID NOT BUILD”? It’s not about you or me, it is about Jesus and what he has done. You can’t blame me for what comes with it.
Does this make you angry? Does it make you fill with rage when preachers talk about health and prosperity? Are you still not convinced about the verses about money in the bible?
I pray that you prosper in all things just as your souls prosper. May God give you the wisdom and the revelation of Jesus Christ that will empower you to come out with all kinds of inventions, innovations, discoveries, business ideas that would prosper and help mankind. I pray, that you BE rich in your family, relationships and most importantly exceedingly rich in your health. In Jesus name, I pray.