The 10 commandments arouse sinful passions in our flesh. But for centuries putting the heavy yoke of the law on Children has been common practice resulting in the outbreak of sin.
There is a reason that Preacher’s Kids have a reputation for crazy behaviour. It becomes crucial that we teach our children about being dead to the 10 commandments and being married to Christ alone.
When the Bible talks about in Christ alone being our justification, it truly means in Christ alone even the 10 commandments cannot take his place. This transcends to every part of our lives because without Christ we can do nothing.
Most Christians are confused about Jesus’s commandments. Since the New Testament says that we should obey His commandments, most believers assume that this means the Ten Commandments.
And this is His commandment: that we should believe on the name of His Son Jesus Christ and love one another, as He gave us commandment.
~ 1 John 3:23
The NEW commandment for believers is definitely NOT the Ten Commandments or the law. Jesus did not come to destroy the law but to fulfil it and he did a perfect job of fulfilling every point of the law on the cross.
Two-steps in Grace-Based Parenting: How do we teach our Children without the 10 commandments then?
For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
~ Romans 6:23
Every Sin has consequences, we are free to sin but we are not free from the consequences of that sin. Going behind the tree of knowledge of good and evil (The 10 commandments) will bring death.
So even something that seems good can have dire consequences, religion is a good example. Religion on the outside looks good, cosy, moral but it has killed millions of people.
Teaching about consequences to Children brings in moral excellence and not just creative ideas to escape from being caught. I believe parents should allow their children to experience the consequences of their action instead of bailing them out.
Stopping with just consequences does not help though. We should go further by reaffirming their identity in Christ. Reaffirming their eternal Security in Christ because of the finished works on the cross. Showing them that they are righteous because of the perfect work Christ accomplished at the cross.
All who worry that without the 10 commandments the Children will become lawless and sin becoming rampant, remember:
For sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under law but under grace.
~ Romans 6:14
If sin does not have dominion when your children are under Grace, isn’t the result you as a parent wanted in the first place? We have to trust the Bible and put our complete confidence in Christ.
Now, I am not married nor do I have any children, so I wrote to this article out of revelation and not experience. All parents, I would love to know your thoughts on Grace-Based Parenting. Let me know in the comment section below.